Here is a set of free number of the day printables and worksheets to practice numbers and counting concept for kindergarten to grade 2 level. These activity sheets are perfect for morning work with your kids. They can also work in a pair, each child will write the number of the day for the other child to work on. When they are done, they can help check each other's work.

This free set includes 3 different printables.
The first one is great for kindergarten kids to learn about numbers 1 to 20. They can practice to:
Show the numbers using ten frames, tally marks or drawings
Count on
Learn before and after numbers

The second and third versions are more suitable for grade 1 to 2 level to learn about numbers within 100. With these printables, children practice to:
Show the numbers using place values
Use number chart to add or subtract
Add or subtract
Learn odd or even numbers
Write number words
Click the link below to download these interactive number worksheets.
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