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Download free pattern strips to let your preschool, pre-k or kindergarten kids practice to extend or continue AB, AAB, ABB, AABB and ABC patterns based on the story 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar free patterning printable for preschool, pre-k or kindergarten class

This free set includes 18 patterns strips that you simply have to print on card stock paper and laminate. The printable is great to be put into your math center to let your children practice patterning.

Click the link below to download the free printable.

Also available for download is The Very Hungry Caterpillar Bundle Set, which consists of 92 pages of printable, worksheets and activities on various math, literacy and science concepts. Click on the picture below to find out more and to get your copy.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Activities Bundle

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Download free food cards based on the story 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' for comparing size and length activities for preschool, pre-k or kindergarten children.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar free size and length comparison printable for preschool, pre-k or kindergarten class

There are four different ways you can use these printable with your kids.

1. From each food item pick out two pictures of different sizes (big and small). Let the children sort all the food items into two groups: small and big.

Big and small activity for preschool, pre-k

2. Pick a picture of a food item and ask the children to find items from the same food group that are bigger or smaller than the chosen picture (e.g. can you find a bigger/ smaller apple?)

3. Get children to order each food items from smallest to biggest or vice versa. You can adjust the level of difficulty by letting children to sort from a group of three items and increase the number of items to make it more challenging.

Ordering size from smallest to biggest preschool activity

4. There are pictures of caterpillars of different lengths on the last page. You can use this printable to let the children order the caterpillars from the shortest to the longest.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar length comparison printable for preschool, pre-k or kindergarten

Click the link below to download the free printable.

Also available for download is The Very Hungry Caterpillar Bundle Set, which consists of 92 pages of printable, worksheets and activities on various math, literacy and science concepts. Click on the picture below to find out more and to get your copy.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Activities Bundle

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Download these free graph worksheets for your kindergarten kids to practice creating bar graph from given data.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar free graph worksheets for preschool or kindergarten

This free set includes two different worksheets that you can choose from. You children get to practice to read from graph and compare the results such as finding out which food the caterpillar ate the most or the least, how many, etc.

These worksheets are perfect as revision after you have created a picture graph with the kids from the story using the free food picture printable that I have created.

I created two worksheets because I let the children work in a pair, each doing a different worksheet. After they are done, they can both compare their graph and talk about what is the same or different. It is a great way to help your children not only practice to create and read from a graph but also reinforce their thinking and observational skills.​

Another option that you can do is let the children compare the graphs on the worksheets with the 'real' graph based on the book. Talk about which food are missing, which food items have the same number, etc.

Click the link below to download the free printable.

Also available for download is The Very Hungry Caterpillar Bundle Set, which consists of 92 pages of printable, worksheets and activities on various math, literacy and science concepts. Click on the picture below to find out more and to get your copy.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Activities Bundle

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